New Delhi: Police arrested a man for allegedly cheating on women while disguising himself as an IPS officer and an IIT pass-out, officials said. The accused has been identified as Vikas Gautam, a resident of Gwalior, DCP Outer District Harendra Singh said. The accused was arrested by a special police team of Cyber police station led by ACP (Operation) Arun Kumar Choudhary, SHO Sandeep Panwar and Inspector Mukesh Kumar following a complaint lodged by a woman on December 17.
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According to DCP Singh, Gautam, who is only a Class VII pass-out, called himself an IIT Kanpur pass-out and 2021 batch UP cadre IPS officer. His online profile identifies him as 'IPS Vikas Yadav'. During police interrogation, Gautam revealed that he has done a welder's course from an ITI in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh.
Later, he came to Delhi and started working in a restaurant in the Mukherjee Nagar area. As Gautam saw Civil Services aspirants frequenting the restaurant, he hatched a plan to cheat women while disguising himself as a police officer. Soon, married women and girls started falling prey to him. Further investigation into the case was going on.