Patna: Senior BJP leader Suresh Kumar Sharma, while speaking with ETV Bharat on the arrest of MLA Anant Singh, said that he should surrender and also should keep his point before the court.
"Running away from police officials will not work out. It is rather, proving that he is involved in some wrongful activities. He should rather confess the same at the court which he said in the viral video," said Suresh Kumar Sharma.
He also said if weapons are found at anyone's residence that an FIR must be registered. But, here, a proper investigation should be done upon the weapons that have been found at Anant Singh's residence.
Independent MLA Anant Singh through a viral video, stated that he would be surrendering in next few days, while questions are being raised against the police officials of not being able to arrest him.
Earlier, on Tuesday, an arrest warrant has been issued against Independent MLA Anant Singh, who is absconding ever since a prohibited weapon and live ammunition were recovered from his residence.
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