New Delhi: The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (Delhi) is set to showcase its waste-to-art projects at the Swachh Survekshan 2023 award ceremony at Bharat Mandapam on Thursday. The MCD's horticulture department has made at least 200 sculptures by utilising more than 1,000 tonnes of scrap material and metal waste.
Officials said that the event has been organised by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. This will motivate others to utilise scrap and make meaningful things. Among these projects is the 'Waste-to-Wonder' theme park at Sarai Kale Khan. This theme park showcases seven wonders of the world made out of scrap material. Some other theme parks under this project are 'Bharat Darshan' park which is inspired by the Swadesh Darshan theme. India's first outdoor museum park 'Shaheedi Park' is also a part of this project.
54 gigantic replicas of dinosaurs made using 300 tonnes of waste such as tyres and scrap metal have been installed at the Dinosaur Park. MCD officials said that this is the world's first 'waste-to-wildlife' park where dinosaur replicas will have life-like movement. There replicas measure nine to 65 feet in height and up to 54 feet in length.
MCD also plans to create a heritage park under the waste-to-art theme, where miniatures of UNESCO monuments will be created. The MCD also plans to install eight sculptures displaying different forms of Indian Classical dance at the Pusa Road roundabout. These will be lit up at night.
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