New Delhi: A 27-year-old man was found dead with deep injuries on his neck in a house in southeast Delhi's Jamia Nagar on Wednesday, police said. According to police, the deceased was identified as Alfaf Washim, a resident of Jamia Nagar. Shortly after the police received the information of a dead man in the house located on the second floor of Batla House in Jamia Nagar, crime teams from the Forensic Science Laboratory (FSL) and local police reached the spot.
The police physically inspected the body and found deep injuries on the neck of the deceased. CCTV is being checked to find out any clues, said the police. “The cause of death will be ascertained after post-mortem examination. Further investigation in the matter is in progress,” the police added.
Earlier on Tuesday, a man was killed and another injured after unknown assailants opened fire at them in North Delhi's Bhajanpura area. The deceased, identified as Harpreet Gill, was a resident of the Bhajanpura area, police said. The injured, identified as Govind Singh, is also from Bhajapura area. He is currently under treatment at the Lok Nayak Hospital (LNJP), the police said.
According to the police, the two were travelling on a motorbike near Subhash Vihar in the Bhajanpura when the assailants intercepted them. They opened fire at them before fleeing the spot, the police added. A case was registered in connection with the incident and an investigation is underway, police said. (ANI)
Also Read: Domestic help found dead in Delhi's Jangpura Extension, 2 arrested