New Delhi: Welcoming the verdict of Madras High Court, V Narayanaswamy on Tuesday said that Lieutenant Governor of Puducherry, Kiran Bedi must resign as she has no right interfering with the government's job.
"This is a historic judgement. It is a slap on the face of Modi government and the administrator Kiran Bedi who has been behaving in an erratic manner, flouting all constitutional norms and trying to usurp the powers of the elected government. It is a victory for my people," said the Chief Minister of the state, V Narayanaswamy.
"Owning all the responsibilities of the failures of the government schemes in Pudducherry, Kiran Bedi should resign from the post of Lieutenant Governor," he added.
Justice Mahadevan of the Madurai bench in his ruling on Tuesday maintained that the Lt Governor has no powers to intervene in the day-to-day affairs of the government.
The Chief Minister alleged Kiran Bedi by saying that she was passing orders independently by running a parallel government in Pudducherry.
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