New Delhi: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday sought that the country's highest civilian award, Bharat Ratna, be given to noted environmentalist Sunderlal Bahuguna posthumously. The environmentalist, known for his pioneering role in the chipko movement in Uttarkhand, died on May 21.
Kejriwal said he will write a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in this regard. He made the remarks at an event at the Delhi Legislative Assembly to pay condolence to Bahuguna. Saplings were planted and a portrait of Bahuguna was unveiled at the event. The chief minister noted that Bahuguna was known all over the world and every moment of his life inspires people. Started by Bahuguna at the foothills of the Himalayas in 1973 in Uttarakhand, then a part of Uttar Pradesh, the Chipko movement was a forest conservation movement in India. It later became a rallying point for many environmental movements all over the world.
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