New Delhi: The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) on Friday arrested a juvenile at Mayur Vihar Phase-1 metro station for allegedly carrying five live rounds, which was found inside his bag.
"At about 3:55 pm, during baggage screening at Mayur Vihar Phase-1 metro station, Constable Surendra Singh of CISF noticed an image of live rounds inside a bag," CISF said in a statement.
"Immediately, he stopped the conveyor belt as well as the passenger and informed the matter to his shift in-charge Asstt. Sub-Inspector G N Joshi who rushed to the spot and enquired the matter," the statement added.
The bag of the juvenile, a resident of Uttar Pradesh's Gautam Buddh Nagar district, was checked physically and the five live rounds of different dimensions were recovered from it.
When the juvenile failed to provide a satisfactory answer he was taken away by metro authorities for further investigation.
Carrying arms and ammunition in the Delhi Metro is banned by the law.