New Delhi: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Sunday carried out searches at the houses of three suspects - two in Kasargod and one in Palakkad in connection with 2016 ISIS Kasargod Module Case.
According to NIA, arrested persons are suspected to have links with some of the accused persons in the said case who had exited India to join the prescribed terrorist organisation ISIS/ Dash.
NIA claims to have ceased number of digital devices including mobile phones, SIM cards, memory cards, pen drives, diaries with handwritten notes in Arabic and Malayalam.
NIA officers also found DVDs of Dr Zakir Naik besides and title DVDs, CDs with religious speeches, books of Dr Zakir Naik and Syed Kutheb from their residences. "The digital devices will be forensically examined and analysed," an NIA statement said.
On Tuesday, the NIA had arrested an ISIS sympathizer from Delhi. The sympathizer identified as Mohammad Faiz.
Faiz was arrested for allegedly conspiring to carry out blast in Delhi, National Capital Region (NCR) and Uttar Pradesh.