New Delhi: Leader of Congress party in Lok Sabha Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury on Monday said that the European Union (EU) Parliament being set to introduce an anti-CAA resolution shows that the central government has failed thoroughly on Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and its decision is being criticized across the globe.
"The image of our country has been tarnished by sheer political manoeuvring by this dispensation. Out of 751 MPs, 599 MPs of European Parliament on 5 groupings are going to draft resolution on CAA and Kashmir. It is a clear testimony that our foreign ministry and the government have failed thoroughly," Chowdhury said here.
"Across the globe, the decision of the government is being criticised much to the discomfiture of the Indian government," he added.
"The government is saying it is an internal issue but the fact is the issue cannot be contained internally because it has a global ramification. The United States, the EU and various Asian countries have been raising questions regarding the democratic ethos of our country," he said.
"Prime Minister Narendra Modi was shedding tears for Muslim sisters at the time of triple talaq legislation. He should now go to Shaheen Bagh where those mothers and sisters have been agitating for the last couple of weeks, if he is honest," the Congress leader said.
Also read: European Parliament to debate on anti-CAA resolution