New Delhi: Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Tuesday called on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi. It was a courtesy call after taking over as the Chief Minister. Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu discussed various development projects, which were under implementation in the state and requested the Prime Minister for liberal assistance from the Centre for giving a fillip to the ongoing development works.
The Chief Minister assured the Prime Minister that the State government will effectively implement centrally launched schemes Pradhanmantri Gati Shakti Yojana, aimed at revolutionising infrastructure and Parvatmala Yojana for the construction of ropeways, according to a State government's statement. He said both the schemes would immensely benefit the people of the state, adding that connectivity and infrastructure development were one of the main focus areas of the present government besides generating employment avenues for people.
Also read: PM Modi congratulates Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu on taking oath as Himachal CM
The Chief Minister honoured the Prime Minister with a memento, a Himachali shawl and a cap. The Prime Minister congratulated Sukhu on becoming the Chief Minister and assured all possible support to the state. Earlier, Sukhu tested positive for Coronavirus, a spokesperson of the State government said. He said the Chief Minister was scheduled to call on Prime Minister Narendra Modi in New Delhi in December last year, but the meeting has been postponed. Sukhu was found positive in the national capital during the routine test mandatory before meeting the Prime Minister, the spokesperson said. The CM is asymptomatic and as a precautionary measure has quarantined himself and all his engagements have been postponed, he added.