New Delhi: A five-time MP, Satya Pal Singh Baghel, who represents Agra in the Lok Sabha as a BJP candidate on Wednesday took oath as Minister of State in the Modi government. Speaking exclusively to ETV Bharat, Satya Pal Singh Baghel, said, "In this new cabinet, leaders from all the caste and religions have been taken care of. I am the first leader of my caste who has been made a minister since the Independence of India."
On being asked about the upcoming challenges being the MoS in the Modi cabinet, he said, "I am grateful to be part of the world's largest political party. It will be easier for me because we have Prime Minister Narendra Modi who is known worldwide for his great leadership. We have our connections right from the booth level and our top leaders are honest."
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Baghel was a member of the Lok Sabha in 1998, 1999 and 2004 as a Samajwadi Party MP representing the Jalesar seat in Uttar Pradesh. After three terms as an MP, Baghel was suspended from the SP. In 2014, he was elected to the Rajya Sabha as a BSP nominee. In 2015, Baghel became president of the BJP OBC Morcha. In 2017, he won Assembly elections from Tundla on a BJP ticket and later BJP gave him a ticket from Agra and he won.
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