New Delhi: Delhi's Tis Hazari Court on Friday granted interim protection from arrest to a man accused in a rape case. The court made the relief conditional on him based on a late-night chat between him and his partner on WhatsApp. The court's vacation judge Dheeraj More granted interim bail to the accused Sumit Rana on a personal bond of Rs 25,000. Advocate Ankit Mann, appearing in the court on behalf of Sumit Rana said, "In November, the girl had filed a case accusing Sumit of rape. Sumit was continuously present in the police station when called by the investigating officer due to which he was not arrested."
Also read: SC grants anticipatory bail to a man accused of rape after a false promise of marriage
"The first incident told by the victim happened more than two years ago. In such a situation, there has been a deliberate delay in the matter. Along with this, many statements of the complainant were changed. Their late-night conversation on WhatsApp shows both adults were living together for years with mutual consent," he added.
The court held that both persons were living together with consent for more than two years. In such a situation, it is not necessary to arrest the accused and keep him in jail till the completion of the investigation. The court directed the accused to be present in the investigation continuously and not to tamper with any evidence.