Delhi: Two criminals Akash and Karan Kapoor, involved in theft and chain snatching incidents, sustained bullet injuries during an encounter that broke out between the Delhi Police Special Cell team and the two criminals in Rohini on Sunday.
Injured accused Akash was wanted in 17 cases of theft, Arms Act and snatching, whereas Karan was an active snatcher and has 25 cases against him.
"At around 9.10 PM, the duo was spotted at the road between Pansali and Sector 32, Rohini. The police team tried to stop them but they tried to run away and fired upon the police party. In retaliation police also fired upon them due to which the accused Karan sustained a bullet injury on his left leg whereas accused Akash sustained an injury on his right leg", officials said.
Earlier on Wednesday, a notorious robber wanted in many cases of robbery and snatching was injured during the shoot out in Rohini area of Delhi.
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