New Delhi: The Delhi Police Special Cell has busted a gang that used to sent fake legal notices to people for viewing porn websites. The Special Cell has arrested three people of this gang and one is at large. The accused used to demand Rs 3,000 as a fine from people watching porn movies. Till now, the accused had sent fake legal notices to more than 1,000 people and had earned more than Rs 30 lakh in this manner.
According to the information, fake notices were sent to some people in the name of the Delhi Police in the last few months. In this notice, the victim was told that he had visited pornographic films. The police have got information through the victim's mobile and laptops. For this, a fine of Rs 3,000 has been imposed on him, they said. Out of fear, many people mistook these fake legal notices as genuine and paid the money online. Some people realised that it was a scam and they complained to the Cyber Cell of the Delhi Police Special Cell.
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The Special Cell of Delhi Police received many such complaints and registered an FIR. In this case, apart from the technical investigation, the links of online payment were also searched. Based on the clues received from the investigation, three accused were arrested by the Cyber Cell of Delhi Police Special Cell. The accused revealed to the police that they were committing such forgery for almost a year. The Delhi Police is further interrogating the accused.
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Cyber Prevention Awareness Detection (CyPAD) is the nodal cyber-crime unit of Delhi Police, which handles all complex and sensitive cases of cyber-crime, involving victims women and children. CyPAD is equipped with a state-of-the-art cyber lab, now known as NCFL (National Cyber Forensic Lab), which has cyber forensic capabilities, such as recovering deleted data from hard disks and mobile phones. CyPAD is also handling cyber-security awareness campaigns of Delhi Police through videos, short films and other mediums and regularly conducts awareness workshops for teachers and students of schools across Delhi.
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