New Delhi: A missing two-year-old girl child was rescued and returned to her parents, police said on Monday, and added that a man has been arrested for allegedly kidnapping her. Bihar resident Ragib, 38, allegedly kidnapped the child when she was playing outside her house in east Delhi's Madhu Vihar area on Sunday, they said.
The accused who was travelling with the child was caught by a Delhi Police team from Anand Bihar Inter-State Bus Terminus. The girl child was returned to her parents late Sunday evening. "A PCR call was received at about 3.20 pm on Sunday at Madhu Vihar police station. The complainant told police that her two-year-old girl child who was playing outside of her house went missing and they suspected that she was kidnapped," said the Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (east district), Achin Garg.
According to a statement, a police team was formed and more than 50 CCTV footage from different areas were analysed to identify the accused. "We came to know that the girl child was lifted by a person and an FIR was registered at Madhu Vihar police station. We took help of social media and shared picture of the girl and suspect in different social media groups," the additional DCP said.
The CCTV trail revealed that the accused boarded a DTC bus from Vinod Nagar Metro Station with the child, police said. "A team caught the accused who has been identified as Ragib of Bihar from Anand Bihar ISBT. The girl child was returned back to her parents," the additional DCP said. Further investigation is underway, he said.