New Delhi: Delhi High Court adjourned a plea filed by Congress leader DK Shivakumar's wife and mother on Wednesday. The two had challenged Enforcement Directorate summons issued against them in connection with the money-laundering case against Shivakumar.
The next date of hearing is November 4.
Also read: Day after release from jail, Shivakumar meets Cong party leader Venugopal
Shivakumar was arrested on September 3 by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) and was sent to judicial custody till October 25.
The alleged money laundering case was registered against him by the ED in September last year, based on a complaint filed by the Income Tax department in which it had alleged tax evasion and hawala transactions amounting to crores.
Also read: Shivakumar hits out at I-T dept over gifting phones