New Delhi: The police have cracked the murder mystery of an elderly couple in the capital Delhi by arresting their accused daughter-in-law. The accused has been identified as 30-year-old Monica. On Monday morning, Gokulpuri police station received information about a double murder in Bhagirathi Vihar that his aunt and uncle had been murdered.
The bodies of 75-year-old Radheshyam Verma and his wife Veena, 68, were found lying in a room on the ground floor of the two-storey house. One of the deceased persons had retired from Delhi Government School Karol Bagh Model Basti as Vice Principal.
This family has been living in this house for the last 38 years. In the investigation, 4.5 lakh rupees and some jewellery have been found missing from the house. According to the information, the deceased had made a property deal. An advance amount of Rs 5 lakh was received for selling the rear part of the house. The police suspected that the elderly couple had been murdered with the intention of looting.
For investigation, the crime team and the FSL team inspected the crime scene. During that time whatever evidence was found by the crime team was collected. CCTV footage installed nearby was searched and when the police investigation progressed, the police realized that there was a friend's entry into the house. After this, the police started questioning all the members of the house and put their mobiles on technical surveillance.
She got her mother-in-law and father-in-law killed by a friend
During interrogation, Monica revealed that she got her mother-in-law and father-in-law killed by a friend. The friend along with one of his companions has carried out this murder. The accused woman said that on Sunday late evening at 7:00 pm when no one was in the house, she called both the killers to the house and hid them on the terrace.
When everyone fell asleep at night, both the killers entered the room of the elders and after killing both of them fled away with the cash and jewellery kept in the house. The accused woman revealed that her intention was to get her mother-in-law and father-in-law killed. As they were selling some part of the house, she did not want the whole house to go out of her hands, due to which she hatched this conspiracy.
At present, both the killers are absconding. Police are in search of them. Police say that in the initial investigation, the son of the elderly couple has not been found involved in the murder. An in-depth investigation is being done, if his involvement is found, he will also be arrested. Significantly, when the police and the people around reached the spot after the murder of the elderly couple, the accused daughter-in-law was pretending to cry.
A video related to this has also surfaced, in which the accused is crying bitterly and people were consoling her. She is also seen telling that she had gone to give milk to her mother-in-law and father-in-law at around 9:00 pm on Sunday night. Both were fine at that time. In the video, she had also told that before her marriage, her husband's elder brother had died in a road accident.