New Delhi: The Chief Justice of India (CJI) D Y Chandrachud Monday got miffed at a lawyer, who was speaking on a mobile phone inside the courtroom. The Chief Justice told the lawyer, “Yeh kya koi market hai kya ? Idhar aao. Iska mobile lelo. (Is this a marketplace, come here. Take his mobile)”.
The Chief Justice asked the person to deposit his mobile phone with the court master. The Chief Justice reiterated “Do you think it is a marketplace, where you can just take….give the mobile to the court master and be careful in the future…..”.
The Chief Justice said judges notice everything which is going on in the court and do not think judges only concentrate on the files. “We concentrate on the file but our eyes are otherwise, keeping an eye on what is happening in the court”, said the Chief Justice. The bench, also comprising justices J B Pardiwala and Manoj Misra, continued with the hearing on the matter listed before the court.