New Delhi: A special CBI court on Friday dismissed a petition filed by Subramanian Swamy seeking to bring on record, the Delhi Police Vigilance report on the alleged evidence tampering in connection with the Sunanda Pushkar death case.
Special CBI Judge Arun Bhardwaj the plea filed by Swamy after hearing all the parties. Swamy had filed the plea under section 301 of the Code of Criminal Procedure (CrPC).
The judge in his order copy stated that Swamy has no locus standii to file this application and the court can't pass any direction for further investigation in the matter as cognizance has already been taken in the matter.
After dismissing the Swamy's plea, the court posted the matter for hearing on July 4, to consider an application against the restriction on sharing of the content of the charge sheet with the third party.
Public Prosecutor Atul Srivastava had earlier submitted that he needs to consult various people to prepare for the arguments and hence, he would need to share the content with third parties.
In the previous hearing on May 4, asserting locus standi in the matter, Swamy had argued that the court has to look at the material and not whether the person is a politician.
Pahwa opposing the application of Swamy had argued that the Swamy should be treated as a stranger in the case as he is neither the complainant nor the victim.
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