New Delhi: The CBI has arrested the commercial head and production controller of a news channel in connection with its probe into the alleged Delhi excise scam, officials said on Monday. A senior CBI official on Monday confirmed that Singh was involved in a money trail through hawala between June 2021 and July 2022.
Kumar Singh, the then commercial head of a Noida-based TV channel was arrested for allegedly transferring Rs 17 crore to a company handling the Aam Adami Party's publicity campaign during the Goa elections through hawala channels, as per the CBI officials. Singh was arrested on May 12 and produced in the CBI court and taken on judicial remand for further questioning, the CBI official said.
"The CBI during its investigation has found that the accused has allegedly been involved in misappropriation of Rs.17 crores through hawala," it added.
The then Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia and others were earlier arrested by the apex agency in the alleged Delhi excise policy scam. A CBI probe is underway in the liquor scam. (ANI)