New Delhi: Veteran actor Annu Kapoor has been admitted to Sir Ganga Ram Hospital on Thursday after complaining of chest pain. According to Dr Ajay Swaroop, Chairman (Board of Management) of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, the condition of the actor is stable and he is undergoing treatment. Swaroop further stated that Kapoor is admitted to the cardiology department and condition is being monitored by Dr Sushant Wattal."
Speaking to the media, Kapoor's manager Sachin said, "Annu Kapoor complained of chest pain and he was admitted to the hospital early this morning. Currently, the actor has been kept under observation, after which improvement has been seen in his condition. Annu Kapoor is also having food and speaking to everyone."
The actor is known for outstanding performances in films such as 'Hum', 'Ek Ruka Hua Faisla', 'Ram Lakhan', 'Ghayal', 'Hum Kisise Kum Nahin', 'Aitraaz', '7 Khoon Maaf', 'Jolly LLB 2' and many more. He received a national award for his performance in the comedy-drama 'Vicky Donor'. He was last seen in the web show 'Crash Course', which premiered on the OTT platform Amazon Prime Video last year.