New Delhi: Delhi University has bypassed all controversies and released the date sheet of the Open Book Examination under which the Open Book Online Examination will be conducted from July 1 to July 12.
It is to be noted that this open book examination will be for the final year students of regular, SOL and NCWEB only.
At the same time, the principals of all colleges have been given detailed information about the rules and provisions of the Open Book Examination by letter from Delhi University.
Apart from this, the complete information of the examination has been uploaded on the official website of the University of Delhi.
The teachers' union has been opposing this test from the beginning citing lack of resources and stressful situation created by the coronavirus along with slow internet speed.
Along with this, the teachers' union had also cited the survey, in which about 90 percent of the students had not yet declared themselves mentally ready for the exam, while 85 percent had opposed this examination, saying that they lacked resources.
In respect of this, Delhi University administration has started working on its decision to conduct online open book examination as per its policy, under which the examination will be conducted from July 1.
In such a situation, teacher representatives including members of Executive Council and Academy Council have also written a letter to Vice Chancellor of Delhi University Professor Yogesh Tyagi, demanding withdrawal of the datasheet with immediate effect.
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