New Delhi: All India Mahila Congress (AIMC) took out "Sansad Gherao" a symbolic protest against the issue of price rise in the country. Many members got detained by Delhi Police during this protest led by its president Netta D'Souza, near Parliament House. AIMC claimed that Delhi Police used "excessive force and indecency" to detain its protesting members, causing injuries to them.
Wearing a headband of "Ladki hun, Lad sakti hun", beating thalis, putting on a garland of vegetables around the neck, holding posters and banners, and riding a bullock cart displaying all the essential commodities which have become expensive, Mahila Congress workers marched at Raisina road to raise the issue of price rise.
"The ruthless and ‘loot-jeevi’ Modi government has made things of everyday life - even clothes, shoes, mobile recharge, medicines, life insurance - expensive. The prices of fruits and vegetables are skyrocketing, and flour, pulses, rice, grains have all become expensive. The common people are already bearing the brunt of exponential increase in the prices of petrol, diesel, cooking gas," the statement of AIMC read.
"The time has come for the Modi government to be accountable on its promise of "Acche Din"- which has now become a hollow slogan to dupe the people of India," it further added.