New Delhi: Day after being suspended from the Rajya Sabha by Chairman Jagdeep Dhankar for “unruly behaviour” over the Manipur violence aftermath, AAP MP Sanjay Singh on Tuesday sat on a dharna to protest against his suspension. Sitting on the dharna outside the Parliament during the ongoing monsoon session, Singh asked why the Prime Minister was silent on “such a sensitive issue like Manipur?” Singh further questioned if PM Modi frequently talks and tweets about ordinary issues, why cannot be make a statement on the sensitive issue like Manipur.
“We are only demanding him to come to Parliament and speak on this issue”. Over a question on Vice President Jagdep Dhankar suspending him from the Rajya Sabha, the AAP MP said, “I will not comment on Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar for suspending me as he is not someone related to politics, he is the Vice President. It is our responsibility to raise the issue of Manipur in Parliament."
हर रात की सुबह होती है।
— Sanjay Singh AAP (@SanjayAzadSln) July 25, 2023 " class="align-text-top noRightClick twitterSection" data="
संसद का परिसर।
बापू की प्रतिमा।
मणिपुर को न्याय दो।
">हर रात की सुबह होती है।
— Sanjay Singh AAP (@SanjayAzadSln) July 25, 2023
संसद का परिसर।
बापू की प्रतिमा।
मणिपुर को न्याय दो।हर रात की सुबह होती है।
— Sanjay Singh AAP (@SanjayAzadSln) July 25, 2023
संसद का परिसर।
बापू की प्रतिमा।
मणिपुर को न्याय दो।
Also read: Monsoon session: AAP MP Sanjay Singh suspended for 'unruly behaviour'
Taking to Twitter about his protest, Singh wrote, "Every night has its morning. Parliament Complex. Bapu's statue. Give justice to Manipur". Singh was on Monday suspended by RS Chairman Dhankar amid opposition's demand to discuss the Manipur violence inside the Parliament. The demand has turned shriller ever since a video surfaced showing a mob parading two women naked in Manipur with one of them allegedly gangraped by the mob.
The motion to suspend AAP MP Sanjay Singh was moved by union minister Piyush Goyal. Singh was suspended "for having repeatedly violated the directive of the Chair". Pertinently, RS Chairman Dhankhar had last week cautioned Sanjay Singh after the AAP MP's repeated protest against the proposed bill to replace the Centre's ordinance for control over services in Delhi.
The monsoon session started on July 20 on a stormy note over the opposition alliance INDIA's persistent demand of PM Modi's statement inside the Parliament.