Bilaspur: A woman in Chhattisgarh's Bilaspur gatecrashed and created a ruckus at the youth's engagement accusing him of rape and impregnating her, police said. The engagement of Ashutosh was going on at CMD Chowk Hotel in the Tarabahar area when a young woman arrived on the scene and created a scene, according to police.
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The woman also had a bottle filled with petrol and threatened to self-immolate. The woman alleged that the man whose engagement was scheduled had an affair with her in the past and impregnated her. She had also filed a case under section 376 in the police station against Ashutosh. The woman said Ashutosh's father had earlier agreed to the marriage in front of the police, but turned back later.
She said that if Ashutosh went ahead with the engagement, nobody will marry her. However, Ashutosh's father refuted the allegations. He said the woman and her family were blackmailing his son. On receiving the information, police reached the spot and pacified the angry woman. Dharmendra Vaishnav, an officer of Civil Line Police Station, said a probe into the matter is going on.