Raipur: The Chhattisgarh police on Thursday seized cash worth 1 crore, 12 lakh from a car owned by an Odisha-based businessman and arrested two persons in this regard, a senior officer said.
"There were two men driving down to Raipur from Odisha's Bargarh, during investigation of the suspicious car, a total of 1 crore, 12 lakh, 99 thousand were seized, the incident occurred in Mahasamund district of Chattisgarh. Following which two persons were taken into custody and the case has been handed over to the SIT," Superintendent of Police, Prafulla Kumar Thakur said.
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Preliminary investigation revealed that the two accused were on their way to Raipur in order to give money to a trader, however, the entire probe is underway. Moreover, case has been registered against them under Section 102 of CrPC.