Bijapur: Naxalites have accused two student leaders of Shaheed Venkat PG College, Bijapur in Chhattisgarh of ragging, collecting exorbitant fees for mess services, slapping fines for poor attendance and harassing professors. They have also issued a press note wherein an ultimatum has been given to fulfill a four-point demand. The incident has triggered panic in the college premises.
The press note has been issued by Mohan, secretary of West Bastar Divisional Committee of Maoists. In the press note, Bijapur PG College student leader Rakesh Tati and deputy student leader Arjun Aganpalli have been accused of threatening both professors and students. Also, the two student leaders have been accused of ragging, charging Rs 1000 per student in the name of mess fees and collecting fines from students for being absent.
In the press note it has been alleged that many students have been forced to leave the college after facing harassment by these leaders. The Naxalites further stated that a professor of PG College has also been threatened by these leaders and taken into their custody.
The four-point demands include bringing an end to ragging in the college, roll back mess fees from students, refrain from electing student leaders like Tati Rakesh and Arjun Angampalli and to stop bullying professors. It demanded that the college runs its mess with the funds received from the government.
There are 20 students of classes 11 and 12 in Shaheed Venkat PG College, Bijapur. This apart, there are 30 seats for MSc students. However, the mess facility has not been provided to the students by the district administration. In such a situation, the students have been left in a lot of problem.
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