Rajnandgaon: The body of a man, who was missing for the past three days, has been found in the Kotna Pani forest in Chattisgarh's Rajnanadgaon. The deceased has been identified as Chandra Bhusan Thakur, a member of the Child Welfare Committee. According to police, the missing report of Chandra Bhusan has registered three days ago. Taking this into cognizance, the police started the investigation. On the basis of suspicion, the police took Ragini Sahu, a resident of Rajnandgaon, into their custody and interrogated her.
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"Chandra Bhushan was familiar with Ragini. Chandra Bhushan used to torture and blackmail her due to money transactions. Enraged by this, Ragini, along with her partner Nutan Sahu killed him. After the murder, the accused burnt the body in the Kotna Pani forest," Dongargarh SDOP Prabhat Patel said while addressing a press conference. Police arrested the two accused.