Chandigarh: Police in Chandigarh used water cannon on the farmers who were marching from different states to submit memorandums to the respective Governors on Saturday. Farmers were trying to enter Chandigarh after breaking police barricades and facing water cannons to march towards the Raj Bhavan of Punjab. The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM) had announced to observe June 26 as "Kheti bachao, loktantra bachao" (save farming, save democracy) day on the completion of seven months of the farmers' protest and the 47th anniversary of the Emergency in India.
Fearing disruption of law and order situation, heavy barricading and security have been deployed in and around Chandigarh. The protesting farmers, raising slogans against the Central government, were carrying farm union flags and riding on tractors and cars and many of them were walking on foot.
Read:| Farmers observe 'black day' to mark six months of protests
Earlier in the day, General Secretary of Bharatiya Kisan Union Yudhvir Singh along with a few farmers was also detained after he reached New Delhi to hand over a memorandum to Lieutenant Governor (LG) Anil Baijal. Singh was taken into custody outside the Civil Lines metro station. A video of Yudhvir Singh has surfaced from the Civil Lines police station where he claimed that he wished to visit the LG peacefully but police have detained him.
(with agency inputs)
Read:| Farmers observe 'Save Agriculture, Save Democracy Day' at Delhi borders