Bijapur: A jawan of the police's District Reserve Guard (DRG) was on Friday injured when an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) planted by the Naxals went off in Chhattisgarh's Bijapur district, an official said. The incident took place in the forest near Durdha village under Jangla police station limits around 1 pm when a DRG team was returning after carrying out an anti-Naxal operation, the police official said.
Constable Sannu Hemla came in contact with the pressure-operated IED leading to the explosion and suffered minor injuries, he said. He was shifted to the district hospital in Bijapur and was stated to be out of danger, the official said. A search operation is underway in the area, he added.
On Wednesday, an assistant sub-inspector (ASI) of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) was injured in an IED blast in neighbouring Sukma district. (PTI)