Raipur (Chhattisgarh) : Political temperatures have gone up in Chhattisgarh after Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel posted a video of a minor boy on his Twitter handle to accused the Bajrang Dal of having wrong influence on the present generation. In protest, the activists of Bajrang Dal burnt an effigy of the Chief Minister at Bhagat Singh Chowk and shouted slogans against him.
The video posted on social media by the CM purportedly contained abusive comments by the minor boy against CM Baghel. It sparked angry reaction from the saffron brigade. Along with this, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) threatened legal action against CM Baghel regarding the minor's video matter.
BJP state media in-charge Amit Chimnani asked whether it would befit the post of a Chief Minister to spread hatred against a minor child by posting a video of his on social media. "If anything happens to that child, who is responsible for his safety. He is the Chief Minister, he is everyone's guardian," Chimnani said.
Also Read : Chhattisgarh CM Baghel targets BJP and SP over ‘Ramcharitmanas’ row
The BJP leader further said that regardless of people's political or social affiliations, it is the responsibility of the government and the Chief Minister to take care of the safety of every person. But the CM posted the video and by doing this, the safety of that minor child has been put at risk, he said. The BJP is taking legal advice on this matter and further action will be taken considering all the options available, he added.
During the campaign for Bajrang Dal on Wednesday, a child made abusive remarks against the Chief Minister. The video of this child became viral on social media. Meanwhile, CM Baghel also uploaded the video of this child on Twitter and wrote that this child is abusing me while refraining from taking the name of Lord Ram. Baghel said that the boy was a member of Bajrang Dal and asked people to introspect what they were doing to our children under the guise of religion.