Sarangarh-Bilaigarh: In an unfortunate incident, a Class 10 student studying in the Government Higher Secondary School in Chhattisgarh's Sarangarh-Bilaigarh district ended his life by hanging himself in the room of his house on Thursday. Police found a suicide note wherein he alleged that two teachers tortured him.
The police, who reached the spot upon receiving information, took the body into their possession and sent it for postmortem. Further action is on in the case. SI Girish Kumar Singh said, "On Thursday, a 15-year-old student of class 10 of Salonikala village, reached home from school and hanged himself in his room. A suicide note has been found where he wrote that he had been harassed by two teachers of the school."
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The family members of the student have demanded strict action against the accused teachers. Himalaya Kewat, brother of the deceased said, "My brother ended his life by hanging himself in his room. There was some issue between him and the teachers in the school after which he took this drastic step. He left a suicide note clearly stating the names of the teachers."