Kanker: Amidst the Bharat Bandh by Naxalites, Kanker Police has has arrested two Naxalites in Kanker district, sources said on Friday. One of the arrested Naxalite is said to be involved in the killing of a BSF jawan and the other is said to be behind the killing of three villagers. Kanker SP Divyang Patel said that Jan Militia member Ramsai Uike has been arrested from the weekly market of Malametta under Narayanpur district.
The arrested Naxalite was actively working as a member of Jan Militia under Partapur police station, the SP Kanker said. He said that the arrested accused has confessed to being involved in the IED blast near village Partapur Sadaktola temple Tekri on 14 December 2023 in which RSO Akhilesh Kumar Rai, a head constable of BSF who was on duty, was killed.
The SP Kanker said that another Jan Militia member, Suresh Katlami, resident of Aalandand has also been arrested by the police. The arrested Naxalite, the SP said, was working as a member of Jan Militia under Chhotebethiya police station. During interrogation, the Naxalite confessed to being involved in the kidnapping and killing of three villagers village Morkhandi, Manoj Kovachi, Kulleram Katlam, Doge Kovachi on 30 October this year.
Bharat Bandh of Naxalites: The effect of Bharat Bandh of Naxalites is visible in Chhattisgarh. Traders in Badgaon, Kanker have kept their shops closed since morning even as public transport has also been hit causing inconvenience to the locals. On Wednesday, security forces gunned down six Maoists during an encounter in the forests of Kottapalli and Nagaram in Chhattisgarh's Sukma district.
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