Hyderabad: Following the announcement of dates of assembly polls in five states on Monday, Chhattisgarh Deputy Chief Minister and AICC leader Tribhuvaneshwar Sharan Singhdeo was upbeat about the poll outcomes in Chhattisgarh. Among the poll-bound five states, Chhattisgarh will go to polls in two phases. Speaking to ETV Bharat, the Chhattisgarh Congress leader said that our party will again seek votes from people using the development plank in the last five years. Apart from this, the deputy chief minister also clarified that there was still some work left to be finished.
"Our preparations are complete. Everything is going well. We are confident. But, we don't want to be overconfident, otherwise, things will go wrong. We worked for the people. Several big projects were implemented. Work on several other projects has not been completed. Last time people believed, this time they will trust us," Singdeo added.
Congress leader TS Singhdeo has been winning assembly polls from the Ambikapur constituency since 2008. He was the Leader of the Opposition in the state legislature from 2008 to 2013. Later, Congress leader Singhdeo was also given the responsibility of Deputy Chief Minister of the state. The 90-seat Chhattisgarh Assembly will go to polls in two phases on November 7 and 17. The election results of the five poll-bound states will be announced on December 3.
Interview: TS Singhdeo denies rift, says Congress high command will decide on next CM