Raipur: Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel on Wednesday said that BJP is unnecessarily dragging Mahatma's name to defend Savarkar. He also held Savarkar responsible for the partition of India.
He said, "the first proposal to divide the country was given by Savarkar which was later adopted by the Muslim League. The two-nation theory was the result of Savarkar's proposal. That's why Savarkar is responsible for the partition of the nation,"
CM Baghel also lashed out at Defence Minister Rajnath Singh for his statement on Savarkar. He has said, "Mahatma Gandhi was in Wardha while Savarkar was in jail, so how did Mahatma Gandhi interact with him? Savarkar always stood with the Britishers and never spoke against them. Divide and rule was the Britisher's agenda. After his release from prison in 1925, Savarkar was the first person who advocated the 'Two Nation Theory'. which was later accepted by the Muslim League."
Earlier Rajnath Singh had said, "a campaign is being run to defame Veer Savarkar. It is said that Savarkar had filed a mercy petition while he was in jail during British rule heeding to the advice of Mahatma Gandhi. Although Savarkar believed in Hinduism he was a true nationalist. He was a great soldier and defence expert of the 20th century."
Read: Chhattisgarh CM Bhupesh Baghel compares RSS with Maoists