New Delhi: Janata Dal (United) leader Dinesh Chandra Yadav on Monday alleged the Congress President Sonia Gandhi for inciting communal violence in Northeastern parts of Delhi which claims more than 47 lives and 300 injured.
Reacting on the recent communal violence, the Member of Parliament from Madhepura district of Bihar said that the opposition parties delivered hate speech which hampers the sentiments of the two communities.
The leader further alleged Congress chief Sonia Gandhi's call for "aar par ki ladai" (fight to the finish) during a rally last year against the CAA to the outbreak of communal clashes in northeast Delhi.
"Sonia Gandhi has been associated with politics for a long time. Earlier, I think she is an experienced politician but the way she had delivered a provocative speech against a specific community seems she needs to learn a lot", he added.
The leader further said, "Today, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla was ready to debate on the Delhi riots. All the parties were also prepared for the debate but the grand old party leaders escalated ruckus in the house which forced the speaker to adjourn the house till Tuesday."
The leader further urged the opposition parties not to provoke any comment that leads to violence in any region of the country and also urged the parties to cooperate in maintaining peace throughout the country.
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