Gaya: In a surprising incident, an idol of Lord Ganesha was observed sweating in Ramshila Thakurbadi Temple, which is built on the foothills of the Ramshila mountain of the district. Locals believe that the harsh temperature is making the deity suffer.
To protect Lord Ganesha from heat, priest of the temple has put sandalwood coating on the idol. The temple authority has also made arrangements of two fans to cool the idol.
"We have also taken care of Lord Ganesha's clothing to soothe the idol from the heat," Laxman, the temple priest said.
Apart from faith, the incident also has a scientific link. Actually, the idol of Lord Ganesha is made up of coral stones. The nature of this stone is warm and that is why it releases water when the temperature soars.
The ancient Ramshila Thakurbadi Temple is also associated with Lord Ram. According to the belief, Shri Ram had performed the post-death rituals of his ancestors in this temple for their salvation.
With the combined theory of spirituality and science, people in Gaya are making all possible efforts to keep the idol cool.
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