Patna: A Rajasthan resident has claimed that thieves stole his gold jewellery worth Rs 1 crore and Rs 2 lakh cash from Kamakhya Express in Bihar even as police said it is probing the “suspicious case”. The Rajasthani identified as Manoj has lodged a complaint saying he was in sleeping in berth number 28 of the train on the way to Patna on the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday when the thieves stole 2 kg gold jewellery kept in a trolley, five kg silver worth Rs 3 lakh and Rs 2 lakh cash kept by him in a tiffin box.
Also read: Thief captured in a CCTV on Vande Bharat Express, arrested
When Manoj woke up on Thursday morning, he found that the jewellery and cash had been stolen, he said. Manoj said that his belongings had been stolen at Patna Junction itself. However, the GRP is finding the matter suspicious in the investigation. Patna Railway SP Anil Singh said that a case has been registered and a probe into the complaint was going on. The railway police are interrogating the Rajasthani man in this regard. "We came to know about the theft of jewellery in a moving train and Patna GRP has registered an FIR, the matter looks suspicious. However, the investigation was going on. We will disclose the matter soon,” Singh said.