New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday lauded the women of Purnia region in Bihar, who are engaged in silk saree weaving, for acting as an inspiration for people across the country.
In his 62nd edition of Mann Ki Baat radio program, Prime Minister Modi said, "Our New India is not willing to tag along with old approach. In particular, our sisters, mothers of new India are grasping challenges thus setting a pace for a positive transformation in society. Purnia region in Bihar is an inspiration for people across the country."
Giving the example, PM Modi said, "Earlier the women of Purnia used to cultivate cocoons from silkworms obtained from mulberry trees and received a very nominal price for their product, while merchants who bought this raw silk made huge profits by spinning it into silk yarn."
"But today, the women of Purnia formed mulberry-production co-operatives with assistance from the government. After that, they spun silk yarn from the cocoons and also started getting saris made with those threads," Modi said.
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"You will be surprised to know that the very cocoons were sold for a nominal amount earlier, saris made from them are fetching thousands of rupees now," he added. (ANI report)