New Delhi: With the Lok Janshakti Party reportedly desiring to contest on 143 seats in the upcoming Bihar Assembly elections by breaking away from the NDA, Janata Dal (United) MP Sunil Kumar Pintu on Wednesday warned LJP that it could end up with zero seats if it does so.
On being asked whether the prospect of LJP quitting the Bihar NDA would hurt the ruling dispensation, Pintu said that it was the LJP which would be hit badly, as it could end up with zero seats.
"There is no question of a loss to us. If they fight separately, they must know that the people of Bihar are voting on the '15 years of Lalu vs 15 years of Nitish' issue. There is no space for a third front. You will be out for zero," he said.
Speaking to ETV Bharat, Pintu said, "I have full belief, that now that the Monsoon Session of Parliament is over, the BJP and JD(U) will sit LJP down for talks. But if Chirag is adamant on contesting on 143 seats, that too by fielding candidates against JD(U), he should not speak such language against Nitish Kumar being a part of the NDA.
Responding to reports that Chirag Paswan wants to himself contest the elections, and that the LJP has challenged Nitish Kumar to also do the same, Pintu said, "I want to tell Chirag Paswan, that when he was three years old, Nitish Kumar had already been elected as an MLA. You meanwhile, have not even what the Vidhan Sabha looks like from the inside."
"All MPs like us were first MLAs. Unlike you, we were not airlifted directly to the Lok Sabha. If you want to, please resign as an MP first and then contest in the Assembly polls," he added.
Read: LJP likely to quit Bihar NDA, Chirag might himself contest in state polls