Patna: A day after Janata Dal United (JDU) leader Neeraj Kumar alleged that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has misled voters by falsely claiming to belong to OBC, Union minister Giriraj Singh said that chief minister Nitish Kumar and his leaders were completely ignorant and were making such comments as they are afraid of the PM. PM Modi is creating a huge impact across the country whereas Kumar has no achievement to boast in the last 18 years, Singh said
"Nitish Kumar is ignorant. One who is knowledgeable will never say such a thing. Actually, people like him are scared of Modi ji, the son of the backward class, the messiah of the poor, who lives for the poor. More than 10 crore tap water connections have reached every household. Our PM gave us electricity, Ujjwala gas connections for poor, houses and so many other facilities. Even food grains are being delivered to everyone's house now. On the other hand, even after being in power for 18 years, Nitish Kumar has made no significant achievement to mention about. That's why they are talking nonsense about PM's caste" Singh said.
He said that everyone knows that PM Modi lives only for the poor and it is unfortunate that Kumar, who has no credibility himself is raising questions on the prime minister.
JDU leaders are alleging that when Modi became the chief minister of Gujarat, he included his caste in the backward classes category. Singh said that Kumar is ignorant but it does not mean that the entire society has become ignorant. He asked the chief minister to check the gazette stating PM Modi belongs to OBC and added that the inclusion was made before 2002, when he became Gujarat CM.
"JDU leaders are saying that the Ghanchi Teli community was not included in the backward community before PM Modi became the Chief Minister. This shows that you don't have any knowledge. He should go and read and stop abusing the Teli community," he said.
Also Read: Union Minister Giriraj says Nitish "left with no credibility"
He alleged that in 18 years, Kumar could not build his own credibility. "Whatever development work is visible was done by Narendra Modi," he said. Condemning the recent order of the Education Department regarding training of teachers during Navratri, the Union Minister said that Nitish Kumar's name should be changed to "Mohammad Nitish Kumar" and Lalu Yadav's name to "Mohammad Lalu Yadav". "These people issued Tughlaqi orders earlier. Even in the caste census, Muslims were shown to be about 18 percent. They are also being given reservation in the name of castes," he added.
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