Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar-led cabinet has decided to provide 30,000 units of free electricity per annum to its MLAs and MLCs. Earlier the lawmakers in the state used to get 24,000 units of free electricity.
Additional Chief Secretary, Cabinet Department, Dr. S. Siddharth said that the members of the Legislature will get 30,000 units of electricity free of cost every year. Taking a decision on the proposal of the Department of Parliamentary Affairs, the Cabinet also amended the Bihar Legislature (Salary, Allowances, and Pension of Members) Act, 2006.
During the cabinet meeting, a decision on the recruitment of 20 lakh posts under different departments was also taken. It was also decided that 6,300 new Amin (an arbitrator who assesses and collects revenue) posts will be created. Students pursuing pharmacy and nursing courses will be offered to have internships as medical students. During their internship, an amount of Rs 1500 will be given to them every month.