New Delhi: Bihar has been awarded the Digital India Award 2020 today by the President Ram Nath Kovind. Chanchal Kumar, Principal Secretary to Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and Pratyam Amrit, Principal Secretary, Department of Health and Disaster Management have received the award.
The President and Union IT Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad were present in the event through video conferencing. It was organized at Vigyan Bhawan, Delhi. Bihar Government's Disaster Supply Portal has been recognized for exemplary innovation amid the Covid-19 pandemic.
Bihar was chosen for this award as the state government deposited money digitally to people's account directly amid the pandemic. Nitish Kumar's government was recognized for its relief effort while the migrant labourers from the state were stranded in different parts of the country.
21 lakh people were given financial assistance through the Covid assistance mobile application. 1.64 crore ration cardholders were given three months ration and Rs 1,000.
Also read: E-courts project wins Digital India Award