Chhapra: In a surprising incident, a 1st-year graduate student, has allegedly written a Bhojpuri song on liquor prohibition on the answer sheet of the practical examination held by the Jaiprakash University in Chapra, Bihar. The picture of the answer script is being widely shared on the Internet. The student has been identified as Kripasindhu, a BA 1st-year student, at the Jagdam College in Chapra.
It is said that Kripasindhu did not know the exact answer to a question and wrote the lyrics of Bhojpuri superstar Khesari Lal Yadav's famous song Nathuniya in the answer sheet. The Nathuniya Bhojpuri song 'Note Barsela Tohre Nathuniya Par Jab Hilavelu Kamar Harmonia Par' is on the prohibition of liquor in Bihar.
Meanwhile, officials at Jaiprakash University have declined to comment on the matter. When asked to confirm the same, the PRO of Jayaprakash University refused to react to it. 'Note Barsela Tohre Nathuniya Par' song has garnered millions of views on YouTube.