Rashtriya Janta Dal (RJD) Lok Sabha Member Manoj Jha on Saturday blamed Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar and his Deputy Sushil Modi for the worst flooding in Patna after last week's heavy rainfall.
The minister told the media that he had already apologised to the people of Patna.
"Nitish Kumar and Sushil Modi are responsible for what has happened in Patna after the heavy rains," he added.
He also attacked state government officials for the situation and said: "The government should take action against guilty officials. If there were a prediction, forecast and warning by the IMD and weather department office, why didn't the officials take any precautionary measures?"
Earlier, Nitish Kumar has also been targeted by ally BJP over the flood situation in Bihar. Senior BJP leader and Union minister Giriraj Singh, known Nitish baiter, people are suffering due to the fault of the state government.
Singh directly blamed Nitish Kumar-led NDA government and its callous attitude for the worst waterlogging in Patna and floods in the state. He said there is loot in the name of relief in flood-hit areas.