Muzaffarpur(Bihar): A four-year-old boy and a thirty-five-year-old migrant woman on board, the latter allegedly suffering from starvation, died on Special Shramik trains in Bihar. Woman's family boarded the train from Ahemdabad and was heading towards Madhubani in Bihar. Whereas, the kin of the child started the journey from Patna to go to Tularam Ghat".
The deceased woman, who has been identified as Arvina Khatun, was travelling with her brother-in-law Mohammad Wazir, who works in Ahmedabad. Arvina and Wazir were stuck in corona-trigerred lockdown and they boarded the Shramik Special train on May 23 to head towards their hometown. As per the reports, train reached Muzaffarpur station around 3 pm but Arvina expired at 12 pm, with passengers on trains alleging that she died of hunger and thirst.
Denying the allegations of passengers on board, railway authorities have refused to comment in this regard.
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In another incident, 4-yr-old Mohammad Irshad with his father Mohammad Pintoo boarded the train on May 25 from Ahmedabad and were heading towards their native Tularam Ghat. Reportedly, Irshad's condition deteriorated during the travel and he died before reaching his destination.
Muzaffarpur DSP for Railway Rama Kant Upadhyay said,"Child was suffering from prolonged illness. We are investigating the matter".
He added, "Shramik train was coming from Gujarat and was heading towards Madhubani in Bihar. It's too early to draw a conclusion now. We will launch a probe into the case".
However, bodies of Arvina and Irshad have been sent for post-mortem and kin of the deceased have been informed.