Begusarai (Bihar): The photograph of Prime Minister Narendra Modi was pasted on a hall ticket issued to a candidate taking the BA-Part II examination in Bihar's Begusarai district. The Lalit Narayan Mithila University (LNMU) situated in the Darbhanga district of the state had issued the hall ticket to the girl student Aajhul Kumari. The lapse on the part of the examination department was causing a huge loss of face for the university administration.
Aajhul is a student of Ganesh Dutt College, Begusarai, which is affiliated with LNMU. Expressing concern over the callous approach of the university administration, Aajhul said, "Students were facing problems due to the laggard approach of the university. The university administration will have to take some concrete steps to prevent the recurrence of such glaring lapses in future. The university is playing with the career of the students. They should set up a help desk where affected students can visit for the redressal of their grievances."
Another girl student Sofia Parveen said, "Three days were left for the examination. In such a situation, where a student will go to rectify the discrepancy in the admit card. How a student will focus on studies — when he or she receives the wrong admit card. Such mistakes were happening on a regular basis. This was not the first case. Several such cases happened earlier."
Student leader Purshottam Kumar said, "Several representations were made to the Vice-Chancellor of the university. But the situation remained the same. We asked the VC to replace the examination controller. The data centre involved in preparing the admit cards was responsible for such mistakes. But, the university officials were not paying attention to our problems. At least 70 per cent of students were facing admit card related issues."
Principal of the G D College Ram Awadesh Kumar said, "I was given power by the university authority that whenever such issues come before me then I am supposed to rectify the anomaly. The admit card-related lapses were rectified by me on several occasions."