Jamui (Bihar): Things changed rapidly for 10-year-old Seema Kumari, a resident of Bihar's Jamui district, a few days after a video of her hopping on one leg to school went viral. On Saturday, officials from BEPC (Bihar Education Project Council) gifted her a prosthetic leg, which was surgically reattached, resulting in her regaining mobility.
"The prosthetic limb has been provided to Seema by the education department. Now, the district administration has decided to conduct a survey of children up to 18 years with disability," Jamui District Magistrate Avaneesh Kumar Singh said.
The video that kickstarted it all saw Seema hopping to school, despite the apparent physical discomfort. The clip noted that she hopped for 500 meters every day to reach school. After the operation, however, Seema was found to be jovial about her new lease on life. "I am feeling very happy. I am thankful to everyone. I will continue to pursue my ambition of becoming a teacher,'' she said.
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The young student hails from the Naxal-affected Fatehpur village, with her father employed outside the state and her mother working at a brick kiln. An accident that cost the 10-year-old her leg occurred two years back. A tractor had rammed against her while she was going to deliver food to her father working on the outskirts of the village at that time.