Aurangabad: BJP MP from Bihar's Aurangabad Sushil Kumar Singh turned out to be a good Samaritan on Friday. He chased the three criminals riding on a bike. The criminals were fleeing after snatching a gold chain from a woman. The hot chase went on for at least eight km on the national highway (NH-2) in the Barun police station area of the district. One foreign-made pistol, one desi katta (countrymade pistol), seven live cartridges and one mobile phone were recovered from the three arrested criminals. The broken gold chain was also recovered, but several yards away from the crime spot.
Aurangabad MP Sushil Kumar Singh was returning from Sasaram after meeting Jawahar Prasad, former MLA of his party, who is incarcerated in the Divisional Jail. The MP's vehicle was passing through the Sone bridge in the Barun police station area and close to the Aurangabad district border. In the meantime, a woman, who was a pillion rider on a bike was screaming loudly. She was asking for help. She was saying that the criminals had snatched her gold chain. The MP then asked his driver to chase the three criminals.
During the hot chase, a truck came in front of the MP's vehicle, blocking the view of the fleeing criminals. Even then the driver of the MP, accelerated the vehicle to get close to the criminals' bike. At one point, the criminals pointed a pistol towards the MP. Undeterred, the MP asked his driver to keep chasing the criminals. When the criminals' bike reached Madhupur village they took to a dusty road. But the criminals ran out of luck. Their bike hit a mound of earth and all three fell on the ground.
By the time MP's vehicle arrived at the spot. The criminals again started fleeing from the spot. The MP asked his security guards to chase the criminals on foot. Finally, the criminals were caught after one and a half km of hot pursuit. Police from Barun police station also arrived at the spot after some time. The criminals were then handed over to the police.
"This shows the deteriorating law and order situation in Bihar. Criminals are having a free run and they have become fearless in the Nitish government. In broad daylight, the criminals are snatching gold chains with such audacity," said the MP. The arrested criminals have been identified as Tinku Kumar, Anand Kumar Thakur and Bittu Yadav.