Bagaha (Bihar): A 4-year-old girl was allegedly raped by an 18-year-old boy in the toilet of a madrasa in Bihar's Ramnagar police station area on Monday. The incident came to light when the victim's mother on Wednesday lodged a police complaint alleging that the accused tried to kill the four-year-old by strangling but fled from, the spot after the Maulvi came . The police have registered a case and are on the lookout for the accused.
The relatives of the victim said that after the incident, the people of the village first tried to hush up the matter. Still, on Wednesday the girl's mother and family reached Ramnagar police station and narrated their ordeal. On the basis of the application of the family members, the police have registered a case.
"On Monday, after the holiday, an 18-year-old boy from the village, raped the child. After that, he tried to strangle the girl to death but hearing the girl's screams, the Maulvi towards the toilet and seeing him the accused fled."
Also read: 4-year-old girl raped at private school in Chhattisgarh's Kawardh; one staffer arrested
There was tension in the village following the incident as a section of villagers tried to suppress the matter because the accused hails from the same village while another section supported the victim's family in lodging a police complaint. They said that the accused should be punished even when the he is from the same village, Ramnagar Police station chief Anant Ram said.
"The girl was sent to GMCH Bettiah for medical examination. We are investigating the case and raids are being conducted to arrest the accused," he added.